Half Life Blue Shift For Mac

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Those of you who have played the original Half-Life probably remember the intro tram ride. An atmospheric scene, your tram quietly rode through the Black Mesa complex, on the way to the Anomalous Materials Laboratories. On the way, you saw a lone security guard stranded on a ledge, desperately trying to get into a locked door. In Half-Life: Blue Shift, you play that man, one Barney Calhoun, security guard on the Blue shift, section 3 on the Black Mesa security force. Trained as a basic security and maintenance officer, you’re expected to pick up the slack and keep Black Mesa safe and clean.

Half Life Blue Shift For Mac Download

Half-Life: Blue Shift released in 2013 is a Platform game published by developed by Gearbox Software for the platforms Linux PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac. Half-Life: Blue Shift has a total rating by the online gaming community of 73%. Half-Life: Blue Shift is an expansion pack for the first-person shooter video game Half-Life (1998). It was developed by Gearbox Software with Valve and published by Sierra On-Line. Blue Shift was the second expansion for Half-Life, originally intended as part of a Dreamcast port of Half-Life.Although the Dreamcast port was cancelled, the Windows version was released as a standalone product on. Named Game of the Year by over 50 publications, Valve's debut title blends action and adventure with award-winning technology to create a frighteningly realistic world where players must think to survive. Also includes an exciting multiplayer mode that allows you to.

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Half-Life: Blue Shift gives you the chance to play out the events from the original Half-Life from the perspective of a lonely security guard. Creatures from Xen (the alien dimension that caused all the trouble to begin with) abound, and nearly all of them want to eat you. Along the way you’ll see elements that made the other games so entertaining, and occasionally cross paths with characters from Half-Life and Opposing Force, the Half-Life expansion pack. Armed with a few new weapons and a fresh perspective on the game, you’ll see what it really means to be a ‘Barney.’ Gearbox, the company that developed Blue Shift, was also responsible for the popular Opposing Force expansion pack, wherein you take the role of a soldier trying to survive the chaos of the Xen Incident.

As an added bonus, Blue Shift comes with two extra items. The first is the high-definition pack; an add-on for Half-Life that allows it to take advantage of newer video cards, with new, highly detailed textures and skins. Although the pack is free for download from Valve, the makers of Half-Life, it is still convenient to have a copy on CD. Along with the high-definition pack is a full copy of the Opposing Force add-on, the first expansion pack made by Gearbox. If you don’t have a copy of Opposing Force, the Blue Shift CD takes care of all your troubles.

Gameplay, Controls, Interface

Much like other add-on packs, Half-Life gameplay isn’t improved or even changed by the Blue Shift expansion pack. I’d like to take a moment to say that this is usually the most disappointing thing about expansion packs, something I’d like to see remedied. Gearbox has managed to produce an engaging, detailed storyline yet again (see Opposing Force for more details), but hasn’t added anything new to the basic Half-Life engine itself. If we could see a new style of tactics, vehicles, or perhaps just a modular weapon system, it would add months to the life of this PC classic. With the Half-Life engine becoming eclipsed by newer, sleeker next generation FPS games, a slight change from the norm could help revitalize this game.

Don’t get me wrong. All the gameplay you know and love is still there. It just gets a little old now that the second expansion pack for Half-Life is out. Blue Shift is fun to play and adds a lot in the way of the single player storyline. You’ve got a few new weapons and the way the storyline plays out is as entertaining as ever. Sadly though, even with Opposing Force included, there isn’t much reason to purchase Blue Shift unless you’re a really big fan of the original storyline. Without a more engaging gameplay style or any innovation (aside from the High Definition pack), I don’t see Blue Shift as being a strong expansion.

System Requirements

Requires: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME, 32MB RAM, 2x CD-ROM Drive, Windows Compatible Soundcard, Pentium or AMD K6/2 233+, 400MB HD Space, SVGA High Color (16-bit) Display, 32-bit ISP with 28.8+ modem or LAN (for net games).

Reviewed On: Windows 98SE, 512MB RAM, AMD Athlon 100mhz, Creative Soundblaster Live!, Geforce 2 MX.

Half Life Blue Shift For Mac

Bottom Line

All in all, if you don’t already own a copy of Opposing Force, I’d recommend purchasing Blue Shift. The lower cost and added value make the game a steal, and give you much more than the few hours of gameplay you’ll get from Half-Life. If you’ve already got Opposing Force, I’d be hesitant to get Blue Shift unless you really, really enjoy the Half-Life single player storyline. If Blue Shift were more than an additional story, it might deserve better, but as is, I’m ranking it at 72.

Overall rating: 7
Half Life Blue Shift For Mac

Solid level design and action, even if it’s over all too soon.

Here we have the third and final official expansion pack for Half-Life. On the surface, Blue Shift is a quality game in its own right – it doesn’t require the original Half-Life to run, the levels are well built and sport a good amount of detail, the scripting pushing the story is impressive and the game comes with an optional visual update called the High Definition Pack, which replaces some of the original weapons, sounds and character models with more detailed reproductions. What’s more, the High Definition Pack may be applied to both Half-Life and Opposing Force as well.

But scratch the surface and you’ll realize it’s barely half the game you’d want it to be, though you could excuse the general lack of content and short campaign span when you consider Blue Shift’s rocky development. It initially started out as exclusive bonus material for the Sega Dreamcast version of Half-Life. When the DC version didn’t materialize, most of what was already produced has been ported to the PC, and you have the end result right before you.


To its credit, it plays a whole lot like Opposing Force in most regards, even surpassing it in many areas, but suffers, as mentioned already, from a really short campaign, no new weapons or foes (not counting the change of models implicit to the HD Pack), absolutely no multiplayer capabilities and some questionable level design decisions (how many headcrabs must we hide behind every corner, guys?).

The story, as you might have guessed, follows the same timeline from the original Half-Life, but lets you experience the resonance cascade and subsequent alien outbreak as Black Mesa security guard Barney Calhoun. You’ll experience the ubiquitous tram ride through Black Mesa in the introduction, and continue through the routines of a normal day’s work as part of the underground facility’s security personnel. You’re at the service of the lab-coated eggheads during the whole ordeal, of course, and will initially find yourself answering a security call through the maintenance access under fluctuating power shortages caused by those Anomalous Materials guys and their silly experiments.

Things go to hell pretty fast, and you’ll eventually end up visiting several new sections of Black Mesa in a far-fetched bid to escape the facility. Your fight will take you through several maintenance access routes, a rail yard, an underground power station and the alien world itself. The story is a lot more consistent, and comes through very well thanks to the level scripting and voice work.

We get a high-poly makeover, but no new guns. Seen here is an M16 skin replacing the MP5.

After saving a scientist from the military, your character must venture through several hotspots to fix an old teleportation unit which can beam you, and your fellow scientist friends, out of harm’s way. The action is occasionally interrupted by the odd puzzle, and I must say that Blue Shift has some of the more creative ones I’ve seen thus far in an official expansion. A few come off as blatantly illogical (pushing a barrel between two cut wires to complete a circuit) but most of the puzzles here are fun and efficient. There are, of course, tried-and-tested level design cliches aplenty. eg: an endless supply of crates, never-ending crawls through air vents, headcrabs waiting behind every corner…

Even so, it’s still a shame the game ends so soon. The range of aliens and weapons is slim indeed, not even encompassing the complete arsenal or plethora of enemies featured from the first game (and absolutely nothing from Opposing Force). The fights become predictable, and the final battle, while tense, falls short of an epic, conclusive struggle. Blue Shift is a fun dash through Black Mesa, but not nearly as long or as consistent as we’d have liked.

Half Life Blue Shift Free

System Requirements: 500 Mhz CPU, 96 MB RAM, 16 MB Video, Win 2000/XP

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